
Obesidat along with G-Tox capsule and KM20+ an ayurvedic night drink is an ideal combination of products that can help you keep your cholesterol and triglyceride level under control.

  • Obesidat: Obesidat is an ayurvedic medicine for weight loss that removes unwanted fat by correcting cell-to-cell metabolism of an individual. While most of the weight-loss products work temporarily by decreasing appetite, Obesidat helps in weight reduction to never gain it back.*.

  • G-TOX: G-Tox has 500mg of Haritaki in extract form, which is a clinically proven, time-tested remedy for all digestion-related problems. It aids digestion by increasing digestive enzymes, suppresses hyperacidity, improves absorption of nutrients, prevents constipation and piles. It also detoxifies your system from toxins. The holistic science of Ayurveda strongly advocates the uses of haritaki due to its potent laxative, astringent, purgative, anti-bilious and anti-oxidant properties for treating numerous health anomalies* 

  • KM-20+ Kalameghasav: Kalmeghasava is an ayurvedic formulation which contains the goodness of a very famous medicinal herb called kalmegha and it is used extensively for many problems related to stomach, liver, skin and many other parts of your body. According to a study published in a prestigious journal Ancient Science of Life, the author talked about the impact of kalamegh in a chronic infection hepatitis*.

  • These products are not recommended for pregnant and lactating women’s.

       * Results may vary from person to person.


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Consult with Doctor.

Science Behind Obesidat

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"Ayurveda is the most sacred science of life."

- Charaka

Purity From Guduchi Ayurveda


Recommendations for Fighting Obesity
